Coronavirus News and Updates Visa

Oman Police Enables Residents and Tourists to Renew Their Visas Online

Omani’s government has decided to enable all residents inside and out of the country, as well as tourists, to renew their visas online through the website of the Royal Oman Police, without fines for the delay.

The decision came after Royal Oman Police (ROP) temporarily suspended the service because of the spread of coronavirus in the country, VisaGuide.World reports.

“There are exceptions for all residents who are staying within the Sultanate during this current situation. They can easily renew the visas through the website of the Royal Oman Police. The residency visa renewal process does not require the seal of ROP,”  an official of ROP pointed out.

The official clarified that the online visa renewal system will also include residents who are currently outside the country.

He said that many residents are staying outside the country due to border closure and travel restrictions that a large number of states have imposed, in a bid to halt the spread of COVID-19.

The Royal Oman Police officer advised the residents outside the country to renew their visas after the travel ban is lifted, highlighting that there will be no fines for the delay. ROP official also confirmed that all tourist visas can also be extended through their website.

“All tourists in the Sultanate can extend their tourist visas through the website of the Royal Oman Police,” he said.

A total of 371 persons have contracted the deadly infection in the Sultanate. During this day alone have been confirmed 40 new coronavirus cases, the Ministry of Health in Oman reports.

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67 persons have been recovered from coronavirus, and two persons have died, so far.

The Ministry of Health urged everyone to stay at home and respect the social distancing instructions issued by the Supreme Committee and the Ministry of Health.

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