Effective Tips: How to Create a Good Topic for an Essay

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How to Create a Good Topic for an Essay

Essay writing is a standard requirement for students in academia across all disciplines. Professors use essays to test the students’ understanding, presentation, analytical prowess, and inference skills in their fields of study.

Essays prepare students for other mandatory writing assignments that include term papers, dissertations, research papers, and thesis papers, among others. However, it starts with choosing an excellent and relevant topic, and here is how to create one.

Effective Tips - How to Create a Good Topic for an Essay
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Write about something you understand

Class essay assignments are often about what you know. This should make it easy for you to play around with expressions to craft a great topic. It means recreating common phrases in your own words to produce a catchy and yet relevant topic for your essay.

Writing a good essay begins with creating a relevant topic that captures its theme and gives a reader a glimpse of the subject matter.

The trick is to make your topic both interesting and informative. It does not matter that you are writing a science essay, give an interesting twist to your topic to arouse curiosity in the reader.

Limit the scope of your topic

Be careful about the wording of your topic and concerning the scope of the essay. Do not create a topic that requires 1000 words to cover exhaustively, when expected to write 500 words. This leaves you with a sketchy or incomplete essay and amounts to wasted time.

Think about what you intend to discuss in the essay and create a topic that answers to it. This helps you keep focus when writing and communicates your ideas in a manner relevant to your topic.

You can do a little research on the internet for topic ideas related to the subject you intend to discuss. GradesFixer is one of the best portals if you are looking for social issues essay topics or any other subject that you can think of. Its success comes from the wide variety of topics it covers and the quality that it provides.

Interrogate your topic

Test the suitability of your topic to the subject of your essay by creating a question out of it. If the resultant question is answered easily and flawlessly by the essay subject matter, you are spot on and ready to roll. The topic of this article makes an example: “Effective Tips: How to create a good topic for an essay” turned into the question, “How do you create a good topic for an essay?”

Remember, essays test your ability to argue your thesis and that means you must tender a topic you can defend in the composition. The rest of the essay is a confirmation of the topic.

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Support your topic with a thesis

Before you delve into the body of your essay after crafting that winning topic, pause, and work on a thesis statement.

A thesis statement presents your topic in the context of your position on the subject under discussion and gives a glimpse of what is in the paper. You could say a thesis statement is an expanded summary of your topic that lays the ground for the rest of the paper.

For effect and clarity, limit your thesis statement to one or two sentences. Use this as a guide while writing, frequently coming back to it to keep your thoughts and arguments in focus.

Make your thesis clear and specific

Since the thesis statement is critical and integral to your topic, ensure that it is clear and specific for the two to complement each other. To resonate well with the topic, place your thesis statement ideally at the very beginning of your essay in one or two powerful sentences. Avoid the use of general words or vague terms and weak expressions for better clarity.

Whereas brevity is good in writing, when used in thesis statements, it tends towards general assumptions and fails effective communication. Use your two sentences to carry as many specific details as possible to strengthen your topic and thesis statement.


Do not look at essay writing as a tedious and boring inconvenience in your academic pursuits. If you hope to graduate as an ‘A” student with top honors, perfect your writing skills to develop structured and logical thinking. This is how you will master your subject of study and excel in exams. Keep at it with regular practice to perfect and hone your essay writing skill.

Author’s Bio:

Vendy Adams works as a lecturer in a private and online mentor for students outside the USA. She contributes to their success by using tech in education, helping with essays, thesis, and dissertation writing and preparing them for competitive exams. In her free time, she listens to classical music, takes yoga classes, and reads autobiographies.

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