8 Creative Career Opportunities for Introverts

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Creative Career Opportunities for Introverts

Some features of our personality differentiate us from others. Some are more likeable, more funny or extroverted, while there are other more serious, silent and introverted people. If you are one of the latter, and you feel that you cannot find an ideal profession that suits your personality, we have some exciting ideas that can give you hope.

If you are one of the people who suffer working as a team and you prefer to concentrate alone, you are surely an introvert—being introverted means that you lean towards your inner world. Contrary to extroverts, you enjoy solitude and have difficulty creating bonds with others due to your reserved character.

Human resources experts have expressed that introverts not only enjoy solitude but also feel that they cannot give their full potential when surrounded by people. This type of individual likes to think, reflect, explore their inner world and only sometimes share it with others, when they believe it is worth it. This type of personality trait is usually very beneficial in certain activities and tasks that require analytical and abstract thinking.

Let us point out that being shy is not the same as being an introvert. Shyness is related to the fear of being judged negatively, while introversion is linked to the preference for being alone and in calm surroundings. For shy people, relating to others can be a challenging task. Despite this, both profiles share, whether for pleasure or necessity, their inclination for environments where contact with others is not constant. That is why below, we analyze some careers that fit these interests and that if you are an introvert, you should evaluate.

1. Accountant: If you are good at math and analytical thinking, accounting may be a good option because working as an accountant usually involves spending long hours alone, in the comfort of an office or cubicle; with little need to interact with others.

2. Programmer or developer: If you are a fan of technology, systems engineering, or programming, it can be an excellent option for you since these professionals spend much of their time immersed in a parallel world where they handle different languages ​​and different ways of thinking. Interaction with others is carried out many times in a practical way.

3. Systems Engineer: this type of work requires that professionals spend most of their time working with their computers, with data, algorithms, etc. When you have to interact with people, the contact is usually made by email, making it an ideal job for people who prefer to work alone.

In case you are a shy person, you should see how to overcome this difficulty that affects your relationship with others, since sometimes in this profession, it is necessary to deal with clients.

4. Careers related to the field of research: The careers related to science offer many options for work in the area of research, which represents an excellent option for introverts because research tasks require a profile that you like the detailed analysis of changes and behaviours. Researchers carry out fieldwork in open environments or laboratories. Some examples may be biologist, physicist, geologist, anthropologist, astronomer, engineer, chemist, among others.

5. Personal Financial Advisor: Being a Financial Advisor involves managing the accounts of others, which requires a lot of reserve and discretion. Tasks are often limited to observing bank movements and reporting in the quiet of your office.

6. Graphic designer: This professional interacts very little with others. Most of his time is spent in front of his computer or performing tasks that require introspection. Many times they even work from home as a freelancer.

7. Veterinary: If people are the problem, one way to avoid them can be working in contact with animals. They can carry out their work alone or even needing just one or two other people to carry out an operation. If you like animals in addition to being introverted or shy, consider it.

8. Translator: Most translators work independently and from the comfort of their home, or even working in a company, they only have to deal with different texts or audiovisual productions. This is a very analytical type of work, done alone, and is perfect for introverts.

9. Writer: writing is an act that is done in reserve and solitude. Therefore, it is an ideal job for introverts. With this profession, you will be able to work from home without having to have contacted other than with your editor.

On the other hand, if you find yourself doing jobs where you have contact with a lot of people, we have listed some tips below to help you cope:

Don’t be ashamed to talk about your achievements

On a lot of occasions, introverts are not recognised for their work or craft. Leaving your trumpet to be blown by others is not a smart decision, as a lot of those who talk about your accomplishments tend to end up being arrogant about it. Not bringing attention to your achievement can be detrimental to your progress. So bring the attention of your colleagues and employers to your work and plan ahead on ways to do that.

Work hard to build strong relationships

It is advisable that you get a mentor to excel, especially considering that you may not especially when, who, or how to ask for recommendations. Creating a relationship with individuals that can serve as your advocate when the time comes can be very important for you as an introvert.

Talk about your ideas

A lot of introverts tend to shy away from airing their opinions during discussions. However, sharing your ideas during discussion might be the only way your employers take note of the value you add to the company. If this can be a big ask for you, make a mental plan prior to sharing that idea.

Don’t over-analyze your performance

Stop being hard on yourself. Introverts tend to hold themselves to a very high standard due to the fact they take note of everything that affects them. However, stop being too hard on yourself when you make mistakes and celebrate your achievements.

Rehearse before entering situations that make you nervous

In a situation where you have been asked to present a project idea and facing a crowd makes you nervous, it is best you rehearse to overcome this potential challenge. You can practice in front of a friend or by talking in front of a mirror to be more relaxed. Consistent practice makes you get used to the situation.

Always prepare a plan

Ahead of a proposed meeting, make out a plan. Start by developing conversation starters, then answers to possible issues that may be raised during the meeting.

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