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 This research evaluates the potential challenges to a total eradication of child trafficking in Nigeria. The magnitude of the problem, as well as its despicable nature, triggered increasing legislations in Nigeria in recent years. This research shows that despite the remarkable efforts in term of law and policy approaches, the problem appears to persist. The objective of the research is to demonstrate that law and policies approaches to addressing the issue are not proving effective.

It appears that several socio-cultural issues related to child trafficking remain unaddressed. Despite the wealth of knowledge in relation to the topic, there is a gap in literature. In an attempt to fill the existing gap, this research inquires whether the non-achievement of goals in combatting child trafficking is imputable to the lack of toughness in the spirit of the laws and policies or the lack of efficacy due to ineffective implementation and enforcement… (Scroll down for the link to get the Complete Project Material)



Background to Study

Human trafficking in general and child trafficking in particular is one of the most difficult phenomena to modernization and development aspirations of Nigeria. It is interesting to note that child trafficking also has two dimensions. It is necessary to shed light on the two dimensions to understand their mechanisms and identify the type and level of the challenges they pose to the Nigerian authorities, law and policy makers and researchers.

The internal dimension of trafficking in human beings consists of a situation where young women, girls and boys are trafficked from their natural rural areas in urban areas in the country through intermediaries or through more criminal networks or less organized. The goal is to get to the madams or households where they can serve as home helps with little or no payment for services rendered.

This practice stems from the tradition in many African countries where less skilled members of the community living in rural areas send their children to other districts relationships in urban areas who are financially able to take care of their relations less fortunate. The external dimension of human trafficking was a serious concern in Nigeria in recent years. This increased concern is due to the scale of the operation involved in the practice and its impact on the international image of the country.

It involves the trafficking of victims from Nigeria to other African and European countries, on the basis of attractive offers made to them by the traffickers or their intermediaries. The general trend in this dimension of trafficking is that before victims leave Nigeria, they are made to sign documents agreeing to pay their sponsors a sum of money as reimbursement for their expensesof the Trip… (Scroll down for the link to get the Complete Project Material)

Statement of Problem

Laws and policies on child trafficking in Nigeria also promote human rights, but the overall goal is often achieved. Punishment of traffickers is often inflicted in consideration of their fundamental human rights. The court will assess all the circumstances before taking any decision. As a result, some offenders get away with small fines Courts generally impose fines, which limits orders or prison sentences under the sentencing guidelines. In terms of power reaching law, the argument of the rigidity of legislation may be relevant.

Although the recurrence or recurrent cases more and more traffic offenses in Nigeria since the adoption of a law on the exemplary deals in 2003 was blamed for the mild sentences, it should be noted that this story could overshadow some relevant issues. As previously stated… (Scroll down for the link to get the Complete Project Material)

Research Objective

This research aims to identify the determinants of child trafficking persists in Nigerian society and responses provides a critical assessment of the law and the political phenomenon, both nationally and internationally. The objective of the research is to demonstrate that the law and policy approaches for addressing ineffective. However, laws and policies are often considered… (Scroll down for the link to get the Complete Project Material)

Significance of The Research  

This research examines the opportunities and challenges of Nigeria in attempts to eradicate child trafficking. While the international, regional and subregional consider the establishment of legal frameworks to be an effective way to answer questions and in response to this, the States in developing legal and policy frameworks. However addressing the problem of child trafficking in Nigeria requires a broader and holistic approach. This research proposes a comprehensive approach to issues to address the issue of child trafficking. The feeling that the authorities and legislators pay little attention to the holistic approach to solve the problem of making the whole debate on child trafficking in Nigeria much more complex… (Scroll down for the link to get the Complete Project Material)


The story of globalization seems to create a mimetic effect in which all countries strive to meet certain international standards. In this vein, Chang notes that “in recent advance of globalization, it has become popular to argue that countries should adopt a set of ome institutions that meet the ” global standards ” in order to survive in the new, borderless world.”

Although this care may not be highest among industrialized countries because they are at or near to meet these standards, developing countries strong competition for meeting these standards, they tend to be more active at every stage of the globalization process.

Chigara maintains that: The purpose of the update authoritatively the International Labor Code gave them the co-editorial control over the entire labor code involvement in the ILO “late” so the end result could be considered an international labor code that was both co-author and approved by all four regions of the world through their representation in the working group “… (Scroll down for the link to get the Complete Project Material)



Children and Social Constructionism

The reason for the protection of children has always been based on perceptions held by a community or a social group that should be considered as a child. Thus, the culmination of long-standing debate about childhood determines the creation of a safer and more just for children. This highlights that children are not always seen as they are today. All around childhood speech is put over by that simplistic Frijhoff writes:

“The “Children’s Discovery” is a tricky concept because childhood is as much a fact of biological and psychological as a cultural concept through the centuries was subject to change perceptions, definitions and images. The children barely speak in history; almost everything we know about them is mediated by adults.”

Heywood wrote that childhood, as the 17th century French priest Pierre de Berulle, “is the most vile and abject condition of human nature after that of death.” Such a perception of the child in the story is the starting point for a discourse on the conceptions of childhood development over the centuries… (Scroll down for the link to get the Complete Project Material)



The Concept of the Child

Childhood is the perception and categorization of children by each population according to their social and economic realities, thus affirming childhood cultural construction of the approach. Meanwhile, Wyness maintains that t the tendency to generalize, and the focus on childhood as a universal form and natural “scientific” has often meant that Western modes of thought of childhood are assumed to have the currency in non-Western cultures… (Scroll down for the link to get the Complete Project Material)


The reason research methodology is essentially doctrinal (textual analysis) also called library research. The body of literature on human trafficking in general and child trafficking in particular is consistent and wide. Based on existing legal instruments and scientific contributions on the issue, it is clear that the analysis of these materials available provided a response to several questions raised in the conduct of this research so that the empirical search option is not intended at any stage of the research. An interdisciplinary approach is adopted by research to address the main subject and related concepts and theories thoroughly… (Scroll down for the link to get the Complete Project Material)


Practice and Origin of Child Trafficking

First and foremost, the concept of child trafficking can be incorporated into the general concept of human trafficking. He could agree with Mollema that human trafficking is a much broader concept that includes trafficking for sexual exploitation, forced labor, armed conflict, child soldiers, illegal adoption, slavery, marriage forced begging and the removal of organs and body tissue transplants. Pending the adoption of a law on trafficking in persons complete, laws above fragmented are the only legislation available to support people engaged in human trafficking.

Child trafficking and trafficking in women are often discussed on the same platforms. Unfortunately, these two categories of people are often easily duped by recruiters in the sex trade and other domestic, agricultural and commercial. Child trafficking has a long history in Africa in general and Nigeria in particular. Indeed, Africa is a central part of the history of child trafficking because of its involvement in the global slave trade… (Scroll down for the link to get the Complete Project Material)


Child trafficking and its underlying phenomena can affect the development of hinders a country. Not only the country’s reputation on the international stage can be affected by these vile practices, but it also may be threatened by human capital. For example, the ILO said that child labor devalues ​​human capital that a country needs for economic and social development, exposes children to violence, vices and social disadvantages (eg pregnant), and inflicts physical and psychological wounds on them, reducing their socio-economic opportunities of the company… (Scroll down for the link to get the Complete Project Material)


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