• Ms Word Format
  • 75 Pages
  • ₦3000
  • 1-5 Chapters





1.1         Background of the Study

Human Resource Management (HRM)) is one of the key functions of an organization, and it defines ways of practices and results to organization productivity by recruiting qualified employees who have the desired competencies that enhances corporate image and lowers employee turnover and retention of employees in the organization.

HRM is the integrated use of training and development, organizational development and career development which are applied to improve individual employees and organizational effectiveness (Abdullah, Che Ros and Kumar, 2007).

According to Research Publish Journals (2016), Human Resource Management is premised on organizational performance improvement mediated through human expertise and human effort. It aims to add value to the achievement of an organization’s goals and objectives

The primary purpose of HRM is to prepare employees to work in the current environment to their best possible abilities and to develop them for upcoming challenges. Training and development programs create awareness among employees for using new technology

(Purcell, 2009).

HRM helps organizations to provide learning practices related to the goals of the organization and its employment needs. The training perspective focus is that HRM should be able to enhance both the organizations and the employee’s capacity to learn. The performance perspective is concerned with ensuring that training should be translated into behaviour or performance so as to realize organizational goals. Holton, Holton and Naquin (2010) states that from a performance perspective is a process by which employees gain new knowledge that modifies their behaviours and actions. The primary outcome of HRM is training and performance. According to (Kaplan, 2006), one of the important developments in the field of HRM is increased focus on work-based training or what is often referred to as informal methods of training. Organizations need to enhance skills and capabilities of its employees by encouraging individual training and creating an enabling environment in which knowledge can be created, shared and applied to achieve goals of the organization. HRM is the centre of employee acquisition, productivity, and growth, therefore, HRM is the process of acquiring and increasing the number of persons who have education, skills, and experience which are critical for performance (Paauwe, Guest and Wright, 2013). The focus on Human Resource Management has an indirect relationship with the profitability of the organizations and employee’s performance. Therefore, any organizations that want to optimize the performance of their employees must provide HRM programs. This will also enhance the organizations’ productivity by improving the effectiveness and efficiency of work assigned (Rothwell, Prescott Lindholm, Yarish, Zaballero&Benscoter, 2012).

1.2         Statement of the Problem

The ineffective practice of HRM can result in various problems such as reduced employees’ ability to develop and apply new skills, a decrease in staff productivity, an increase in employee turnover and low performance of organizations. Problems in HRM are created as a result of HRM programs failing to address the organizational and staff’ needs. HRM activities if properly implemented can increase performance thus reducing losses, strikes, reduced services, employee turnover. HRM is a vital tool for enhancing job-related performance and organizational effectiveness.

Several studies have addressed current HRM practices as an issue of the HRM. The nontechnical employees in Sheraton Hotel, Abuja, Nigeria have been ignored since the formal educational system does not adequately teach specific job skills for a position in a particular organization, so employees don’t have the requisite skills, knowledge, abilities and competencies needed to perform a specific job. As a result, HRM activities are required to enhance their performance to make a substantive contribution towards the organization’s growth. Employees who expressed the desire to pursue university degree were not given paid study leave or their applications for study leave were turned down, with those who were persistent were advised to resign. The employees who sought for part-time programs were disengaged after completion of their education because the management claimed their qualifications were not relevant to the job. The few who are retained are not promoted for their added skills and competencies. The existing studies in this area have taken a general HRM focus creating a gap on issues such as the effect of HRM on employee performance. This research sought to determine the effect of HRM on organization’s performance.

1.3         General Objectives

The general objective of the study is to establish the effect of HRM on Organizational performance.

1.3.1      Specific Objectives.

  1. To determine the effect of HRM on competencies in the Hospitality industry.
  2. To examine the effect of HRM on the recruitment in the Hospitality industry.
  • To investigate the effect of HRM on employee retention in Hospitality industry.
  1. To examine the effect of HRM on Corporate Image in Hospitality.

1.4         Research Questions

  1. How does HRM affect competency in the Hospitality industry?
  2. In what ways does HRM affect the corporate image in the Hospitality industry?
  • What is the effect of HRM on recruitment at the Hospitality industry?
  1. How does HRM affect employee retention at Hospitality industry?

1.5         Significance of the Study

The management at Sheraton Hotel, Abuja, Nigeria will find the study useful by acknowledging the existence of the problems whereas the employees who are the target of this study will benefit should the solutions of the survey be implemented.  For students and researchers, the finding of this study is important in providing information and a source of reference for future research.

1.6         The scope of the study

The researcher conducted the research atSheraton Hotel in Abuja, Nigeria. The data was collected from employees in accounts, Finance and Procurement departments. Fifty respondents were selected from a target population of 300. The research was conducted between mayand June 2019.



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