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Learn How to Meditate: 10 Easy Steps
How to Meditate
As a result of our busy schedules, we tend to get stressed out quickly, and eventually, this leads to complete burnout and sometimes affects mental health. In view of this, we will be looking for ways to learn meditation to improve our wellbeing.
What is meditation?
Do you know when we need to focus on something or make a decision, and our mind feels like a blender, full of mixed and confused ideas that don’t get us anywhere? Meditation is extremely important to clear our minds, put ideas in place, and lead us to self-knowledge. This practice allows us to bring the mind to a state of calm and relaxation.
Imagine a jewelry box, full, and you need to keep that new ring very expensive, but there is no space for it in the box. It would help if you emptied the box, take out what you don’t use, or are no longer useful to you, organize and then put your ring in its place.
It is the same with our minds. We need to vacate it with small and insignificant thoughts and make room for new ideas and let knowledge enter.
Meditation is an important mental cleansing process
Several times we think that the practice is complicated, that we don’t have time, we won’t be able to stand still… anyway we don’t know how to meditate and where to start.
But we tell you now that practicing meditation is not only for Buddhist monks and is much simpler than you think.
Benefits of meditation:
- Stress reduction
- Reduction in the feeling of anxiety
- It combats Insomnia,
- Improve focus and productivity
10 Steps to Learn How to Meditate
1. Choose time
If you are starting this practice now, ideally, you should choose a time that is more relaxed in your day. Many say that the ideal is the first thing in the morning when we wake up. If you can great! If not, there is no problem in arranging another time. It is better than not to do it.
2. Choose a quiet place
It can be any corner of the house that you feel comfortable with, and that provides you with a state of stillness. Over time, if you wish, you can set up your meditation corner, with pillows, candles, incense; It will be very nice to have a cozy corner for that.
Another thing that helps a lot in relaxation to meditate is the use of diffusers with essential oils, as they help to calm the mind, balance emotions, and harmonize your chakras.
The choice of the location directly influences the meditation process. The ideal place is going to be where you can connect with yourself, that doesn’t allow interruptions and the main one, where you feel comfortable. If it is impossible to create a meditation room at home, it can be a space inside the room itself.
Even if some people can concentrate with noises around, the ideal is to maintain a quiet environment. To get into a state of relaxation, it is advisable to take a hot shower, and then turn off your cell phone and electronic devices.
3. Determine a comfortable position:
Another step is to define a comfortable position to remain immobile for some time. The ideal is to be seated, so the tip is to use a firm pillow to have more stability. However, we advise you to avoid sitting on the bed itself.
4. Set your time
You can practice meditation for 10, 20, or 30 minutes, as long as you have time. Put your phone on silent and set your alarm clock to let you know the end of your time. So, you can focus better without wondering how much time has passed.
5. Put on a relaxing sound
It can be a mantra, sounds of nature, specific meditation music. The sound helps to get you in the mood and is super relaxing.
6. Start with breathing
The act of paying attention to your breathing and starting to work to help you in this process of interiorization is extremely fundamental.
First, pay attention to your posture. You can sit on the floor with your legs crossed or in a chair with your spine erect. Posture is important.
Breathing should always be nasal. Close your eyes and start counting—10 to 0 backward. When you reach 0, imagine yourself somewhere that will be yours alone. It will be your refuge, your sacred place. It could be a beach, a tree, in the middle of the forest. That’s where your mind goes whenever you want to talk to yourself.
7. Focus on breathing
According to experts, it is necessary to focus completely on the breath to ward off thoughts. Create a perception of your breath, feel the air entering and leaving your lungs, breathing slowly. We advise that when thoughts come to mind, focus on breathing again. You can imagine breathing in purity and breathing out tensions, and so this process of concentration will gradually lead the mind to a state of meditation.
8. Calm the mind
Meditation has the main objective of silencing and calming the mind, and this is the great starting point for internal transformations capable of combating anxiety, insomnia, and other symptoms of modern life. With so many external stimuli, you end up forgetting about the possibility of disconnecting and getting in touch with our inner world. Thus, the first attempts at meditation should be interrupted by several thoughts that will surface. Whenever they arise in your mind, return your attention to your purpose and focus on that moment, as your problems will be there when you are finished, and you will be in a better position to solve them. And the more you do this exercise, the easier it will be next time.
9. Let your mind take you wherever it needs
The thoughts will come, several, some very silly, others frightening. Memories, dreams, wishes will come; let it come. Do not block any of them. It is very normal at the beginning for our minds to be filled with thoughts. Many people give up on this process; they do not understand that it is not overnight to have an empty mind.
So, break free and let it come. That’s how you get to know each other. With each thought, pay attention to your emotions.
10. Reflect on these emotions
If you start to feel confused, it is also normal. That’s the job, knowing your thoughts and dealing with your emotions. It brings what you have in the unconscious, into the conscious, and knowing what you are dealing with, working on those emotions.
Final Thoughts
Over time you will discover things about yourself that you might not even know that was kept so well deep in your soul. And you will start to have a calmer mind to make choices on your way. This meditation practice is an ongoing work. But over time, if you want, you won’t even need all these steps to meditate.
You can practice meditation while driving, showering, washing dishes etc. it is simply talking to your inner self, without external distractions. These distractions will be at your side, but you will already have the power to pay no attention to yourself.
But don’t forget to practice breathing too. It is essential when we want to calm the turmoil in our bodies. Start doing it and then tell me the results, I guarantee you can be transformative!
In addition to meditation, you can benefit from the practice of yoga, because in addition to be a great physical activity, it also works your mind and helps to keep your focus in the present moment.