MLA Term Paper Writing Suggestions: How to Complete Your Paper Successfully

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MLA Term Paper Writing Suggestions: How to Complete Your Paper Successfully


Writing a term paper in MLA format is not as difficult as it seems to be. You just have to make some amendments in your document to ease the reading of your paper. Using the following recommendations, you will be able to write an excellent term paper in MLA format.

    1. Use a text editor program.

The first thing you should do to format your paper in MLA is opening a text editor program that will help you make appropriate amendments to your term paper.

    1. Choose page layout options.

Make all margins in your document one inch each by selecting the option in a navigation bar.

    1. Set up the font of your paper.

The style of your paper’s font should be Times New Roman. Select it from the dropdown menu of your word processing program’s navigation bar. After choosing a style, go to the size options and select 12point font.

    1. Determine the line spacing.

The MLA style requires the term paper to be double spaced.

    1. Add the header.

The header of your paper should contain the name and the page number. Set it up using the insert options on the home tab. It should be placed at the right end of the page, one-half inch from the top. Don’t forget to add a number on the first page of your paper. Using the abbreviation “p.” before the page number is a popular mistake; avoid writing any marks in the header.

    1. Choose the title.

Since the title is on the first page of your paper, it should look perfect. Atitle page isn’t needed. Just present the main information (such as your name, instructor’s name, etc.) at the top left margin of the first page. Then, centralize the title, place it at the top of your document, and bold its font. You can end it with a question mark or an exclamation mark if it’s needed, but don’t use a period. It’s forbidden to capitalize or underline the title. Don’t make the font size bigger; don’t change its style. You should also be careful with capitalizing words; use it only for the first and last words of the title.

    1. Use a proper format of citing.

If you’ve decided to add some quotations to your paper, it is obligatory to insert inverted commas before and after all quotations. You should use italics to highlight the name of a book, play, journal, song, etc.

MLA Term Paper Writing Suggestions: How to Complete Your Paper Successfully

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