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1.1Background of the study
Laudon and Laudon (2002) define as Information System is a set of interrelated components that collect/retrieve, process, store and distribute information to support decision-making and control in an organization. Information system also refers to a collection of multiple pieces of equipment involved in the dissemination of information that may include hardware, software, computer system connections and information, information system users, and the system‟s housing. According to Lucey (1997) Management Information System (MIS) is a planned system of collecting, storing and disseminating data in the form of information needed to carry out the functions of management. Academically, the term of MIS is commonly used to refer to the group of information management methods tied to the automation or support of human decision making. Consequently Information System provides information that organizations require to manage themselves efficiently and effectively because MIS is a key to planning, controlling and decision making for management through transaction processing of systems for the data.
Information System denotes an expanded information system that is achieved through systems design of an improved capability by functionally more information systems, or by incorporating a portion of the functional elements of one information system into another (Rao et al., 2007). Therefore IMIS help managers and workers to analyze problems and visualize complex subjects because it contains information about significant people, places and things within the organization or in the environment surrounding it was a resource like any other commodities.
Customer satisfaction also comes with enormous benefits to the business industry in general and to Social Security and National Business Trust in particular. Proper institution of customer service processes will enable the organization gain customer loyalty and respond to customer needs and feedback quickly and collaboratively. It will also provide clear visibility into enabling management identify which customers are dissatisfied and why, what actions have been or need to be taken and what appropriate responses have to be delivered. Furthermore it will facilitate concrete and actionable suggestions for improving performance, either overall or by segments. The bonding relationships between customers and organizations are hinged on trust which is aimed at achieving overall positive outcomes, and thus higher levels of trust and commitment in turn are attached with higher customer retention level, and this brings about increased organizational performance (Botha & Van Rensburg, 2010; Read, 2009).
1.2 Problem statement
Today’s business environment is very dynamic and undergoes rapid changes due to technological innovation, increased awareness and increased demands from customers. The banking industry of the twentieth century operates in a complex and competitive environment characterized by these changing conditions and highly volatile economic climate, and information and communication technology ICT) is at the centre of this global change curve (Agboola, 2006). Hence the banks that will survive and complete effectively in today’s business environment must necessarily integrate ICT into its operational processes.
Given this scenario, this thesis attempts a synthesis of empirical facts on the extent to which information and communication technology has informed innovations in the operational modalities and meeting customers need modes of banks in Nigeria and the impact of this on bank performance. It is against this background that the subject matter is seen as a problem worthy of investigation.
1.3 Purpose of the study
The purpose of this study is to examine the extent to which banks perform in meeting customer’s need using customer information system. Specifically the study objectives are:

Investigate how Information and communication Technology enhances customer’s satisfaction in Commercial banks.

Examine the benefits a customer derives from using ICT tool in Commercial banks.

Identify the challenges militating against ICT operation in Commercial banks.

Significance of the study

The study would enable the banks executives and indeed the policy makers of the banks and financial institutions to be aware of electronic banking as a product of electronic commerce with a view to making strategic decisions. The research is equally significant because it would provide answers to factors militating against the implementation of electronic banking in Unity Bank Plc; prove the success and growth associated with implementation of electronic banking highlight the areas of banking operations that can be enhanced via electronic banking and also be an invaluable tool for Students, Academician, institutions, Corporate managers and individuals that want to know more about electronic banking trends especially in Nigeria.

Study hypothesis

The study hypothesis is:
The stated hypotheses tested in this study;
Ho1: Information and communication Technology does not enhance bank meeting customers need.
HA1: Information and communication technology enhances bank customer satisfaction.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

The study scope is limited to investigating the extent to which banks perform in meeting customer’s need using customer information system in Lagos state. Limitation faced by the research was limited time and financial constraint

Definition of Basic terminologies

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI): The transfer of information between organizations in machines readable form. Electronic monetary value is measured in currency units stored in electronic form on electronic device in the consumer’s possession. This electronic value can be purchase and held on the device until reduced through purchase or transfer.
Payment System: A financial system that establishes that means for transferring money between suppliers and of fund, usually by exchanging debits or Credits between financial institutions.
Smart Card: A Card with a computer chip embedded, on which financial health, educational, and security information can be stored and processed.
Transaction Alert: Our customers carry out debit/credit transactions on their accounts and the need to keep track of these transactions prompted the creation of the alert system by the Bank to notify customers of those transactions. The alert system also serves as notification system to reach out to customers when necessary information need to be communicated

Organisation of study

The study is grouped into five chapters. This chapter being the first gives an introduction to the study. Chapter two gives a review of the related literature. Chapter three presents the research methodology; chapter four presents the data analysis as well as interpretation and discussion of the results. Chapter five gives a summary of findings and recommendations.

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ABSTRACT This dissertation titled “The Enforcement of Court Judgments and Orders in the High Court of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, Procedure and Challenges.” The area of interest is the enforcement of judgments and court orders in the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. It is an established fact that, the High Court of the Federal Capital Territory established an enforcement unit which is now a Department mainly for the enforcement of court judgments and orders. This, give rise to complete and successful enforcement in the Territory. The centralization of the enforcement Department for the enforcement of all judgments and orders of the High Court Federal Capital Territory should be considered in order to obtain an easy and cheap enforcement for the judgment creditors. The problem perceived in this research includes; a) Centralization of the enforcement department at Maitama, which is the main Headquarters of the High Court of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. b) Unnecessary delay due to complex bureaucratic procedure. c) High cost of enforcement due to lack of adequate facilities like mobility for the enforcement officers, crane, toying van and truck for the conveyance of attached properties to the warehouse. d) Corruption by the enforcement officers and improper advice by lawyers to their clients (judgment debtor). e) High risk of life is involved. f) lesser punishment provided by law for obstructing court judgments and orders (fine of not more than 100 naira). g) Non publication for sale of attached property and sale to the highest bidder. The objective of this work is to examine the challenges associated with enforcement of judgments and court orders in the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, to point out the reasons behind the non enforceability of some judgments and court orders and the way out, and to analyze the procedures for the enforcement of judgments and orders, in the High Court of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja and challenges. The research methodology adopted in this research is the doctrinal method also known as library oriented research wherein recourse are made to statutes, case law, conventions, textbooks, journals, literature, e.t.c. Teleological research is also adopted due to work experience. Findings, however, revealed that, the major challenges associated with enforcement of judgment and court orders in the High Court of Abuja: a) the centralization of the enforcement Department at the main Headquarter, Maitama, Abuja. b) unnecessary delay that gives room for the judgments debtor to frustrate the enforcement by filing motion for stay of execution, interpleader summons or go on appeal. c) lesser punishment provided by law for obstructing court judgments and orders. d) Inadequate facilities. e) corruption by enforcement officers and lawyers. f) High risk of life. g) Non publication of the sale of attached property and sale to the highest bidder. It is recommended that; a) the enforcement Department should be decentralized. b) Judgments and court orders should be speedily enforced without any delay. c) The provision of the Act that provide punishment for obstructing court judgments and order should be amended. d) There should be provision for adequate facilities to carry out the enforcement. e) Provision for training for the enforcement officers by the High Court and lawyers by the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA). f) Insurance should be provided for the enforcement officers because of the high risks of life involve. g) Sale of attached property should be publicized and to the highest bidder. Find What You Want By Category:
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ABSTRACT The idea of a strong standing tribunal to try serious violations of international law has been around since the end of World War II. After WWII, the Nuremberg and Tokyo tribunals were set of ad-hoc by the Allies, the victors of the World War II to try the principals of the loosing axis power. While the Nuremberg was regarded as more successful and significant than the Tokyo tribunal. During the years of the cold war, the idea of the future of International Criminal Court largely occupied the back burner of the International affairs. With the fall of the Soviet Union in the early 1990’s various tribunal and international conflicts broke out in the world. Most notably, after the break-up of former Yugoslavia and the modern Balkan wars, it was clear war crime, genocide and crimes against humanity were occurring on a mass scale. Similarly, tribal warfare between the Hutus and Tutsis in several African countries including Rwanda and Burundi lead to enormous human right abuses. The United Nations Security Council established ad-hoc tribunals to address the international crimes arising from those crises, the tribunals were set up specifically for the propose of those local conflicts, they revived the interest in the need to established a permanent global criminal court. And in 1998, the Rome statute was drafted, which set forth the legal frame work for a standing tribunal to address war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity, this was achieved in April 2002. The ICC formally come in existence on July 1st, 2002. The coalition of countries and civil society organisations in more 150 countries work in partnership to strengthen international corporation with the ICC, ensure that the court is fair, effective and independent; make justice both visible and universal. An advanced strong national laws, that deliver justice to victims of war crimes, genocides and crimes against humanity. The provision of the Rome statute do not instill enough confidence to preclude the possibility. CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION In 1945, two monumental tribunals arose out of the ashes of World War II.…
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