Implementation Of New Fault Tolerance Solution In Wireless Sensor Networks In A Multi-Channel Context

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Implementation Of New Fault Tolerance Solution In Wireless Sensor Networks In A Multi-Channel Context. Do you want the complete project material? Download the complete project topic and material (chapter 1-5) on Edustore.NG below.See below for the abstract, table of contents, list of figures, list of tables, list of appendices, list of abbreviations and chapter one, Literature Review, Methodology e.t.cPlease Note: This is a complete project work from, abstract, table of contents, chapters 1 to 5 with references and questionnaire you can only view half of the project. But if you need the complete project work Click Here To Place Your OrderAbstract on Implementation Of New Fault Tolerance Solution In Wireless Sensor Networks In A Multi-Channel ContextWireless sensor network is application specific, which is deployed in an interested area like abouthundred or thousands of sensor nodes. All the sensor nodes communicate via a wireless mediumand works cooperatively to sense the environment in order to achieve the required task. Such sensornodes which is application specific needs a good fault tolerance scheme to keep the systemworking. Since this sensor nodes are battery operated, have a small memory, deployed in harshenvironmental condition and can easily be depleted. So we improved on distributed fault tolerancealgorithm which enable the detection status of a node with fewer neighbors to be accurate and canalso detect the status of a node in a multi-channel context. Our distributed fault tolerance algorithmuses majority voting with priority. Although in literature fault tolerance detection in multi-channelchannel context has not really been put into practice.Chapters one of Implementation Of New Fault Tolerance Solution In Wireless Sensor Networks In A Multi-Channel Context1.0 INTRODUCTION1.1 IntroductionWireless sensor network consists of a number of sensor nodes and a base station (BS). A wirelesssensor network is a collection of nodes organised into a cooperative networks [1] , Sensors containan on-board processor, perform simple computations within itself by using their processingcapabilities to process their raw data before transmitting it to the central node sent to the BS.Wireless sensor nodes are low power, battery operated devices with limited computation andtransmission ability [2] .Sensor node deployment in wireless sensor network architecture is shown in fig 1 and thecomponent of sensor node its self is shown in fig 2.Figure 1.1 Wireless sensor network ArchitectureFigure 1.2: component of a sensor node1In wireless sensor network (WSN) communication using the multi-hop mode where each nodecommunicate with the base station using an intermediate node, thus the node closer to the basestation of course become the only source through which all other node send their data to the basestation which give rise to interference and low throughput since all other node compete to use nodecloser to the base station.The WSN technology tremendous improvement has gained application in so many areas of ourdaily routine such as medical care, environmental monitoring, smart buildings, banks,telecommunication industry, many other industry and military application. Most of these sensorapplication are in harsh environment which can cause WSNs to be prone to failure as compared toother wireless networks, this involve safe mobility and performance, data quality and energyconsumption. Data quality is defined as the number of readings received by the user divided by totalnumber of readings generated by the network during an observation period [3] . To preserve resourceand achieve high quality of data, we identify the following as key requirements for FT in WSNs [3] :1. Awareness of the network main operation and the status of the network resources.2. Adaptability to the frequent changes in WSNs conditions.The Physical harsh environmental condition that can affect WSNs deployment are fire, rain,humidity, floods and any other physical thing that can affect it. All these can actually cause thesensor nodes to fail or transmit error messages. To guarantee the network quality of service andperformance, it is essential for the wireless sensor networks to be able to detect faults, and toperform something akin to healing and recovering from events that might cause faults in thenetwork, hence fault tolerance should be seriously considered in many wireless sensor networkdeployments [7] .Fault tolerance is the mechanism put in place for sensor nodes to keep working after a failureoccurred. fault tolerance is a need in this type of networks due to sensor node characteristics, radiocommunications and hostile environments in which these networks are deployed [4] . To successful2utilize full deployment of WSNs, fault tolerance should be put in place. One approach to achievefault tolerance in wireless sensor networks is to deploy a small number of additional relay nodes toprovide k (k ≥ 1) vertex-disjoint paths between every pair of functioning devices (including sensors,data sinks, and other wireless equipments, all termed target nodes in this paper) so that the networkcan survive the failure of fewer than k nodes [6] .1.2 Problem StatementMost of the implementation of wireless sensor networks are done in environment with harshconditions and as such the batteries of the sensor nodes prove very difficult to charge or replaceimmediately when the batteries run off. The mode of communication in WSN include single-hopand multi-hop. In multi-hop wireless sensor networks bandwidth is a critical issue, because ofinterference between successive hops on the same path as well as that between neighbouring paths[5] . Hence in order to solve this problem of interference and maximize throughput and also toovercome fault thus several fault tolerance scheme are been diverse. Using a single channel forcommunication causes a heavy work load on it and many packets do not get to their destination dueto collision, so when a node fail the entire network stop functioning. Due to this disadvantage aCSMA/CA or CD are been used to enable parallel communication but because of the heavy workload, this solution do not provide high channel utilization. Another cost effective solution is to usemultiple channels that works for parallel data transmission based on the current WSN hardware,such as MICAz and Telos that provide multiple channels with single radio [5] . Thus in WSNs, thereare issue of node failure and transmission failure which are the two main fault in Wireless sensornetworks.Fault is one of the major impact in building a Sensor networks, the ability to identify node fault insensor network deployment is one of the major issue. Retransmission problem for the detectedfaulty node also account for in WSNs deployment. A faulty sensor node can send incorrect messageto the base station. Imagine in military deployment of sensor nodes where sensors are expected to3detect the enemy, if such sensor failed then the whole military are in serious danger.1.3 ObjectivesThe main objective of these thesis is to provide an adequate solution to fault tolerance in wirelesssensor networks in a multi-channel context. The general objectives are:1. To carry out state of the art of multi-channel communication and fault tolerance in wirelesssensor networks2. To implement a proposed algorithm for decentralized fault tolerance detection in wirelesssensor network.3. To Simulate the implemented algorithm4. To compare implemented algorithm with already existing algorithm1.4 Motivation of workFrom our research and findings we discovered that most of the papers in literature never care aboutfault tolerance in multi-channel context. Their algorithm never put into consideration sensor nodeswith all faulty neighbors. Some of these papers just focus on finding faulty nodes without applyingthe algorithm in a gradual process. That means making sure that nodes with fewer neighbors aretreated last and nodes with large neighbors are treated first. Doing this ensure that sensor nodes arenot mis-diagnose.1.5 Significance of StudyThere are several methods in literature for solving the problem of node failure in wireless sensornetwork deployment. Our improved distributed fault tolerance algorithm will enable the researchersand wireless sensor network application deployment to be able to detect node failure as fast aspossible and at the same time use an alternative channel in transmitting data to the base stationusing the one hop neighbors.41.6 Thesis OrganizationThe remaining part of these thesis is organised as follows, chapter two gives state of the art ofmulti-channel communication and fault tolerance in WSNs, chapter three gives the materials andmethods of the thesis, chapter four gives the implementation of the algorithm and simulation andcomparison with existing work and chapter five gives conclusion and future work.GET THE FULL PROJECT WORK>>How To Get The Complete Project Material PDFDo you need the complete project work titled “Implementation Of New Fault Tolerance Solution In Wireless Sensor Networks In A Multi-Channel Context” from chapters 1 to 5 with references and questionnaire it cost 3000 Naira e.t.c Click the blue-button belowCLICK HERE TO GET THE COMPLETE PROJECT MATERIAL (FILE)S NOW!>>call us (+234) 08157509410 or whats-app us (+234) 0810793263. Email us – [email protected]

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