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  • 65 Pages
  • ₦3,000 | $25 | ₵60 | Ksh 2720
  • 1-5 Chapters



A better understanding, scientifically of the optimization and sustainability of resource use in small scale agricultural production under low rainfall, poor and deteriorating nutrient supply situations of the semi-arid zone of Nigeria necessitated this research. It had the objective of investigating the effects of millet, sorghum and cowpea planted sole, at recommended optimum densities and intercropped, under cultural practices similar to the farmers’ condition. The research set out to assess the effects of two-three crop mixtures on the microclimate, soil conditions and their productivities in a semi-arid environment. A survey of the cereal based cropping systems of the Sudan savanna zone of Nigeria revealed the prominence of millet/cowpea and millet/sorghum/cowpea intercropping systems. The component crops in these systems are relay sown at relatively wide row spacings. Field trials were conducted at Minjibir near Kano (12° 08 N, 8° 32 E) during the 1993, 1994 and 1995 rainy seasons to compare growth, light use, water use and root development in relation to the yield of millet, sorghum and cowpea planted sole at the recommended optimum densities and intercropped at farmers’ planting densities under two levels of soil fertility. Another microclimatic parameter measured was near soil surface temperature, while the consequences of these cropping systems on seasonal nutrient balance were assessed. The varying amounts and distribution of rainfall during the three years of experimentation did influence millet productivity and in the intercropping systems this was also true for growth. Sorghum grain yield was reduced by about 50% when rainfall did not extend beyond the first decade in September. An excessively wet season in 1994 reduced the yields of cowpea in the various cropping systems by 20 to 70%. The soil fertility status at the start of a cropping season plus the added pre-planting organic manure ensured adequate soil fertility in all the three years of field experimentation for millet production. Top dressing of millet components with inorganic fertilizer before panicle initiation (6 WAS) did not significantly (P< 0.05) increase millet grain yield. Total dry matter accumulation was also not affected by application of fertilizer at reproductive stage in the different cropping systems. However, sorghum dry matter production and grain yield was improved significantly (P< 0.05) by additional fertilizer applied at the initiation of reproductive stage (8 WAS). Dry matter production per stand of cowpea in the intercrops was significantly (P< 0.05) reduced by the associated cereal(s) planted 2 or 3 weeks earlier, and particularly by the high tillering and faster growing millet component, compared with the sole cowpea. There was poor vegetative growth of the cowpea components at relatively low total plant densities in the intercrops (26667 plants ha-1) compared to the sole cereal systems (53333 plants ha-1). This was worsened by the wetness of 1994, partly as a direct effect of weather conditions towards the end of growing season, and partly by pest and diseases caused by these conditions. Growth and development of the cowpea component in the widely spaced intercrops influenced radiation interception. At peak periods of canopy development, midday radiation interception by the intercrops varied from 60 to 80% in the direction of cereal/cereal association while the least interception (< 30% in 1994) occurred between sorghum and the grain cowpea (1T89KD-374) in plots with pre-planting organic manure application alone. The higher density of the sole cereal crops caused higher overall peak radiation interception (about 70%) than in the intercrops. The higher amount of cowpea vegetative growth in 1995 under adequate radiation availability increased radiation interception within the intercrops by 5 to 20% over the sole millet at peak canopy development (45 DAS millet). The intercrop dry matter production was increased even at lower millet density (< 25% of sole millet) by 10 to 65% at millet and cowpea physiological maturity. Diurnal near surface soil temperature fluctuation on cloudless days was reduced in all the cropped treatments compared to the bare soil. However, in 1994 with more pronounced differences early in the season, the reduction began earlier and was more effective until millet LAI exceeded 2.5 (55 DAS millet) in the intercrops (fluctuation < 6.5°C) than in the sole cereals (fluctuation of 10.0- 13.0°C). About the same period in 1995, amplitudes were much smaller and diurnal differences less pronounced. All the crops sown sole and intercroppped rooted beyond 1 m depth in the loose sandy soil of our experimental site. Sorghum root production was greater than that of millet, while both cereals produced greater root densities than cowpea. The overlap of the roots of component crops in intercropping suggests competition for below ground resources. Cowpea produced greater root densities and achieved deeper rooting depths when intercropped with millet and/or sorghum than when sown sole, suggesting a better adaptation and competitive ability under intercropping. Rooting depths of crops were shallower in a relatively wet season than when water was limiting. The root densities and proliferation front of cereals below the surface layer were much higher in relatively low fertility status soils than when nutrients are readily available. Dry matter production and system productivity of the intercrops were higher or equal to the sole millet when cowpea productivity was better in 1993 (LER< 1.7) and 1995 (LER< 1.2). High soil water availability favoured the growth and development of cereals more than the cowpea, resulting in reduced intercrop systems productivity in the relatively wetter 1994 season. Sole millet used water more efficiently than its intercrops with cowpea, in 1994, when annual rainfall was above the long term average. When the rainfall amount was below normal in 1995 (typical of the recent climate situation in semi-arid Nigeria as also found in 1993), the intercropping systems showed better WUE of about 20% in grain production and 15% in total dry matter production in the millet/cowpea intercrop over the sole millet. The situation in the millet/sorghum/cowpea intercrop gave for OM + IF about 35% better WUE in both grain and total dry matter production compared to sole sorghum (Gaya Early). In the OM sorghum based intercrop, the grain WUE figure was about 30% and for total dry matter, 45% better than sole Gaya Early. Millet with heavy tillering, even at low densities in the intercrops, was the dominant crop in the intercropped systems. Deep percolation loss accounted for 15 to 20% of the seasonal available water in 1995 (with least annual rainfall amount) at low planting density. The farmer’s cowpea cultivar (Dan-ilia) sown sole produced higher dry matter and was a more efficient water user than the introduced improved cowpea cultivars. This study supports the need for the manipulation of the millet/cowpea and millet/sorghum/cowpea intercropping systems for better resource use and increased productivities. Appropriate suggestions for achieving these improvements are proffered.


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