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  • 76 Pages
  • ₦3,000 | $25 | ₵60 | Ksh 2720
  • 1-5 Chapters



Occupation is a process whereby a human being uses the natural resources and endowments that God makes available for him to utilize for his survival. This research focuses on the influence of foreigners on selected Hausa traditional occupations and crafts in Kano from 1900-2015. As a framework for analysis, the research adopted two theories which make it eclectic in nature namely: Social Exchange Theory and Bauman’s Theory of Strangerhood. Since the research aims at establishing the influence of strangers on traditional occupations, it would certainly have no option but to use the primary source of data: questionnaire and interviews from the affected populace with a view to ascertaining the fact. The questionnaires were distributed in ten selected markets in Kano city. A total number of one hundred and sixty questionnaires had been distributed, but only one hundred and fifty had been retrieved from the respondents. The respondents included ninety-four (94) males and fifty-six (56) females respectively. The research succeeds in identifying the challenges faced by Kanawa in their business transactions and social interactions. More so, it also reveals some of the modern commercial businesses introduced to Kano City by foreigners: modern transport business, merchandise in automotive components and vulcanization to mention but a few. To affirm this, the English proverb says: „„qo„ pro pro pro‟ pro‟‟‟‟‟‟‟‟‟‟‟‟‟‟‟‟‟‟‟‟‟‟‟‟‟‟‟‟‟‟‟‟‟‟‟‟‟‟‟‟‟‟‟‟‟‟‟‟‟‟‟‟‟‟‟…………………………………………………………………………………………… This is because the presence of strangers has enriched commerce and industry owned by Kanawa. A popular Hausa poet Malam Aliyu Namangi has buttressed the above claim in one of his poem, Waqar Basukur, thus: “Their arrival did not cause any damage to our country.” However, in contradiction to what the poet established, the research has revealed that some social vices were introduced to Kano by strangers which are not acceptable in a traditional Hausa culture. , Aliens have caused great loss to the traditional system of production, distribution and consumption. As a result of the research revealed that, strangers have played an important role in the introduction of modern facilities such as: chemicals and machines that could assist in tannery, blacksmith, butchery and other farm produce. The advent of these strangers has also helped in the establishment of ultra-modern shopping malls in Kano City, such as Shoprite; Wellcare and Mr. Price to mention but a few, which have enhanced commercial activities. In addition to that, new businesses have emerged in Kano like: fish farming; production and sale of packaged water and recharged cards. Finally, the research revealed that Arabs were recorded to have the highest impact on social life of the Kanawa with 36% (thirty-six per cent) while Igbo recorded the least impact with 2.1% (two point one percent). Middle Ages refers to the way a human being manages the earth’s resources and other God-given knowledge and wisdom in order to obtain the necessary resources. This research focuses on some of the most influential Hausa artists in Kano, from 1900-2015. The study was also based on two so-called alternatives: social exchange theory and alienation theory, in order to find a reliable alternative. to publish the study publicly. The aim of this research is to highlight the contribution of some of the foreigners involved in the Kanawa trade. During the search, One hundred and 160 articles were used, but one hundred and fifty were obtained from the hands of the respondents. In terms of gender, 94 percent responded to the survey, while 56 percent gave their opinion. However, tactics have been used to engage in dialogue with professional operators. The study has successfully explored some of the challenges that Kanawa faces in business and social interaction. The study also succeeded in finding some modern art imported by Kano. This success provides the basis for the proverb that the Hausa saying, “A strange and strange man,” because these strange faces, in turn, brought to the attention of the Kanawa artists and scholars, as Aliyu Namangi says: “Arrivals in our country have not been averted.” With the advent of the United States of America, our economy has not been wasted. However, on the other hand, the effects of blackmail have been found to incite some of the worst criticisms of the Chinese public. Also, these losses have resulted in traders losing their traditional products for public consumption. The study presented results as follows: guest arrivals have been found to have nutritional and psychological benefits for well-functioning rhythm and rhythm and more. Dax and speed, for major fashion stores: (shopping malls) Shoprite, Wellcare, Mr. Price and brand new products such as: pure water and fish farming and recharged cards. Ultimately, in terms of statistics, Research has found that the Arab-American population had a 36% impact on Kanawa. While two-and-a-half percent (2.1%) of the electorates are the same as the non-native species in Kanawa.


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