• Ms Word Format
  • 70 Pages
  • ₦3000
  • 1-5 Chapters








Educational process is three dimensional – teacher, pupil and curriculum. Teacher is an essential element in the teaching learning process. Without the teacher no learning can take place, no adequate knowledge can be provided and no proper development of pupils individually can take place. The teacher is the key figure in an educational organization. It is upon him/her that the educational efforts of the society depend. Teachers are considered as the heart of schools. The best teachers make the best students resulting a healthy figure.


Education has become a competitive and lucrative business today. It is not easy to keep all the stakeholders align with the school, if they are not satisfied. Therefore, it isimportant for schools to make the teachers resourceful, competitive, enthusiastic and productive.


It is safe to say that everyone, every parent, grandparent, and young person like to have the assurance that all our children are being taught and prepare for school, for future work and for life in the 21st century. In order to achieve this, we need to ensure that those who teach our children incorporate the effective teaching in their professional live. In essence, we need every teacher in our schools to be an effective teacher.


Teacher effectiveness is defined as efficiency exhibited by a teacher in instructional strategies classroom management, personal disposition, evaluation, interpersonal relations, job involvement, initiative and enthusiasm, professional values, innovativeness in the everyday teaching learning situation.


Teacher effectiveness has been defined variously by researchers. Effective teaching is synonymous with teaching effectiveness and has been defined in these basic ways. These include definition in term of- Teacher Personalities, Teacher people Interaction and Teachers impact on pupil’s behaviour (Evan, 2006)


Across the world, teacher’s salaries are almost universally determined by educational background, training, or years of experience, rather than performance. Yet a growing body of research shows that these measures are poor proxies for a teacher’s actual effectiveness in the classroom. They show surprisingly little correlation with teachers’ ability to raise their students’ learning.


The teacher effectiveness also has impact on student learning and satisfaction of parents. An effective teacher only can teach effectively and then only the parent also will be satisfied by their child’s achievements.


1.1 Need and justification of the study


Teacher Effectiveness has the impact in the classroom factors, such as teaching methods,

Teaching expectations, classroom organization and the use of classroom resources have on student’s performance.


Teachers play a predominant role in the educational frame work of the society. Student’s upliftment in the educational settings can be achieved by the teacher. To meet the existing competitive world, the students should not only be academically vibrant, but also be skilled and intellectually enlightened. This can be achieved only through the effectiveness of teacher. Teacher effectiveness in all aspects is very essential to meet the growing demands of learning community. It is very essential that the prospective teachers should be versatile in their interpersonal relations, classroom management techniques, proficiency in their content and use Audio-Visual aids for making the learning environment more conducive. The teachers should have professional development to create satisfactory factors influencing the quality of education. The working condition of the teachers should be favourable resulting in increased professional development of the teachers.


The pivotal role of the teacher is to act effectively in the classroom in transforming the students to pragmatic approaches catering to the fast changing social order and economic life pattern of individuals and families, place heavier responsibilities on the shoulders of the teachers to the multifaceted faculty. For this, the teacher has to keep themselves abreast with the knowledge exposure and dynamism so that the teacher can be one step or two ahead of these well knowledgeable learners.


Teacher effectiveness is generally agreed that goodness of on educational system, to great extent, is dependent on the quality of teachers. A college may have excellent material resource &equipments, with an appropriate curriculum adopted to suit the community needs, but if the teacher are misfit or indifferent to their responsibility the whole program is likely to be ineffective and wasted. Therefore teacher’s effectiveness is more important for realizing desirable educational goal. In today’s society an effective teacher only can produce effective students. Keeping this thought in mind this research topic has chosen.


1.2 Significance of the study:


The study of teacher’s effectiveness in secondary schools may be helpful for policy makers, administrators and teacher educators to improve the teacher training programme. It may also be helpful for the prospective teachers as well as working teachers in developing positive attitude toward teaching profession.


An effective teacher possesses good academic qualification positive attitude towards teaching professions & has a democratic approach to take decisions. Shows maximum sincerity in shouldering responsibilities and continuously remains in touch with latest developments in learning.


Some attempts have been made by researchers in the field of teacher education to describe teacher effectiveness of secondary school teachers in terms of characteristics, qualities, attributes and professional competencies by the teachers. But only few attempts were made to develop standard measure which can rate effectiveness of teachers. Hence, the investigators Endeavour to undertake the present study to see the effectiveness of teacher in secondary level school of male and female teachers and also to find out how teacher effectiveness influence in teaching learning.


1.3 Statement of the problem


Teacher’s effectiveness is the ability and the interaction between the physical, intellectual and psychological interest of the students, content matters, ability of the teachers and the evaluative procedures. Teachers have the greatest potential to influence children’s education. Students learn more when teachers employ systematic teaching procedures. Effective teachers are those who use systematic feedback with students about their performance. Teacher effectiveness is influenced by the effective teaching. Effective teaching is one of the criteria by which someone judges the teacher effectiveness. The teaching profession is one of the best professions. It is also a very big responsibility. As a teacher one have to set an example because the children watch teachers carefully. They observe several things their teachers do, and anything their teachers do knowingly and unknowingly, pick them up. Since teachers play such an important role in the process of value inculcation among their students so the teacher effectiveness is very important in the present education system.

The present study was thus being stated as follows:

Teacher Effectiveness among the Secondary Schools Teachers of Golaghat District of




1.4 Operational definition of the key terms


The investigators adopted the following definitions for this study:

Teacher effectiveness

Teacher effectiveness is defined as an efficacy exhibited by a teacher in instructional strategies class room management, personal disposition, evaluation, interpersonal relations, job involvement, initiative and enthusiasm, professional values, innovativeness in the everyday teaching learning situations.


Secondary school

A school, that is intermediate in level between elementary school and college and that offers general, technical, vocational or college preparatory curricula.


Science teachers

Science teacher means those teachers who are teaching science subjects like- Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Botany, Mathematics,  etc.


Non- science teachers

Non science teachers mean all those teachers who are teaching non science subjects like Computer, Language, Humanities and Social Sciences etc…


1.5. Objectives of the study: 


The objectives of the above study are given below:

i.To identity level of teacher effectiveness of the secondary school teachers of

Enugu south  ii.To compare the teacher effectiveness of the male and female teachers

  • To compare the teacher effectiveness of the science and non- science teachers
  1. To study the level of classroom management of male and female teachers
  2. To investigate the level of classroom management of science and non-science teachers
  3. To investigate the level of the knowledge of the subject matter of male and female teachers
  • To find out the level of the knowledge of the subject matter of science and nonscience teachers


1.6 Hypotheses/Research questions: 


The hypotheses/research questions of the study are given below:

  1. There is no significant difference in the teacher effectiveness among the male and female teachers of secondary school teachers of Golaghat
  2. There is no significant difference in the teacher effectiveness between the science and non- science teachers among the secondary school teachers of

Golaghat iii)What is the level of the teacher effectiveness of the secondary school teachers of Enugu south?

  1. What is the classroom management level of the male and female secondary school teachers of Enugu south?
  2. What is the level of classroom management of the science and non science secondary school teachers of Enugu south?
  3. What is the level of the knowledge of the subject matter of the male and female teachers of Enugu south?
  • What is the level of the knowledge of the subject matter of the science and non science teachers of Enugu south?


1.7 Limitation of the Study: 


Due to financial constrain and lack of time the present study is delimited to followings:

  1. The secondary schools in Bokakhat a Sub-division of Golaghat District of Assam.
  2. To teachers of science and non science streams working in Secondary Schools only.
  3. To teachers of male and female secondary schools of Enugu south.
  4. To two schools of Enugu south.


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