• Ms Word Format
  • 55 Pages
  • ₦3000
  • 1-5 Chapters


 In this research work, performance and economic analysis of three units’ gas turbine plants in the Niger Delta, Nigeria has been carried out for the period of 18 months. The aim of this study is to assess the energy, exergy and economic behavior of the plants’ subsystems. The methodology adopted was the splitting of the system into control volumes to show the inflow and outflow of energy and exergy at different operating conditions. A parametric study was also conducted to evaluate the influence of key decision variables like the load on the plant’s subsystem performance. The analysis was done in MATLAB 7.3 ® environment and the results reveals that between the 40%-86% loading of the plant, the energy loss was optimum due to outages and exhaust gas energy waste, with revenue worth of $14,611,642 cumulatively, while the irreversibility in the exhaust gas progressively increase as the load increases with an exergy destruction cost rate of $234.98 per hour per unit. The combustor shows maximum exergy loss at 44% load with an exergy destruction cost rate of $127.87 per hour per unit, while the power turbine highest exergy destruction cost rate occurred at 73% load. These key performance indicators provide relevant information on the technical state of the plant for decision-making.



  • Background of the Study

Energy is the keystone of life and prosperity. The continued development and application of energy are essential to the sustainable advancement of society. With the energy analysis, it is possible to evaluate the performance of energy conversion processes not only on a thermodynamics basis, but also by including economic and environmental aspects and impacts of the studied processes. This comprehensive approach of the energy resources utilization has, as one of the most important features, the identification of sustainable ways of energy resources utilization (Silvio, 2013).

The energy analysis of thermal–mechanical conversion plants aims to characterize how the fuel energy is used and destroyed in the energy conversion processes that take place in these plants. The energy analysis provides means to evaluate the degradation of energy during a process, the entropy generation, and loss of opportunities to do work and thus offer space for improvement of power plant performance. Combine with economic analysis, this method allows evaluation of costs caused by irreversibility which may include the investment and operating cost of each component (Ibrahim bin, Masrul, MohdZamri, &Mobd, 2001).

Energy analysis is based on the first and second laws of thermodynamics, and combines the principles of conservation of energy and non-conservation of entropy. The essence of energy analysis is primarily for optimization. If properly done, it reveals where in the plant the largest energy wastage occurs and therefore the need for design improvements (Ofodu&Abam, 2002; Rosen, 2009). Hence, energy is often treated as a measure of economic value (Ray, Ganguly, & Gupta, 2007).

Energy-based cost analysis aims at determining the costs of products and irreversibilities (energy destroyed) generated in energy conversion processes, by applying cost partition criteria which are function of the energy content of every energy flow that takes place in the studied process. In this approach, one studies the cost formation processes by valuing the products according to its energy content and the destroyed energy during the energy conversion processes. This combination of energy analysis with economic concepts is called thermoeconomic analysis when monetary costs are used and energeoeconomic analysis when energy costs are employed (Silvio, 2013).

The needs to evaluate the cost production process in a thermal power plant can be rationally conducted if the energy of the product of the plant (i.e. electricity generated) is taken as the value basis. This is an interesting application of energeoeconomics concepts to evaluate and allocate the cost of energy throughout the energy conversion processes, considering costs related to energy inputs and investment in equipment (Dincer& Rosen, 2003). Energy is taken as a rational basis for economic cost allocation between the resources and products involved in thermal power plant processes and for the economic evaluation of their thermodynamic imperfections (Querol, GonzalezRegueral, & Perez-Benedito, 2013).

1.2 Problem Statement

Energy costing analysis is a tool used not only to evaluate the cost of inefficiencies or the costs of individual process streams (including intermediate and final products), but also to improve overall system efficiency and lower life cycle costs of a thermodynamic system (Seyyedi, Ajam, &Farahat, 2010). A complete energeoeconomic analysis consists of (1) an energetic analysis, (2) an economic analysis, and (3) an energeoeconomicevaluation. A number of studies on energy and energy costing analyses of thermal power plants have been carried out by several researchers (Ameri, Ahmadi, &Hamidi, 2009; Aras &Balli, 2008; Can, Celik, &Dagtekin, 2003; Gorji-Bandpy&Ebrahimian, 2006;  Sahoo, 2008; Singh & Kaushik, 2014).

Most of the past studies on energy and economic analyses of gas turbine power plant performance were based on a single gas turbine unit. In the present work, analyses are performed on 11 gas turbine units at three different stations in Nigeria.

  • Research Questions

The research questions for this work include:

  1. What is the energy performance of the selected power plants by overall energy efficiency?
  2. What is the most significant source of energy destruction in the power plants and the location of occurrence in Nigeria?
  • What is the effect of gas turbine inlet temperature (GTIT) on energy efficiency of selected gas turbine plants in Nigeria?
  1. What is the energeoeconomic performance of the selected power plants by analyzing energetic cost parameters of each component of the power plants?
  2. What is the cost of electricity (product) in selected power plants using energy costing analysis in Nigeria?
  • Objectives of the Study

The prime objectives of the study are:

  1. To evaluate the energy performance of the selected power plants by overall energy efficiency.
  • To identify the most significant source of energy destruction in the power plants and the location of occurrence.
  • To evaluate effect of gas turbine inlet temperature (GTIT) on energy efficiency of the selected gas turbine plants.
  1. To evaluate energeoeconomic performance of the selected power plants by analyzing energetic cost parameters of each component of the power plants.
  2. To determine the unit cost of electricity (product) in the selected power plants using energy costing analysis.
  • Significance of the Study

The concept of energy evaluation of a power plant is on account of the energy generation and consumption of the plant over a given period of time including losses. This considered the procedure for collecting, collating and analyzing available energy-related data, in order to establish the most accurate breakdown of energy consumption for a particular plant operation. It thus provides for a qualitative facility (sub-system) examination to identify opportunities for energy saving or wastage. Energy saving or conservation, help in the process of optimizing system performance in any given power plant. Therefore for a holistic performance improvement, the first and second thermodynamic approach will provide a means of measuring losses in energy processes. Energy based approach is silent in the degradation of energy occurring in the thermodynamic system and does not quantify the usefulness or quality of the heat content in various streams of matter leaving the process as products or waste. The Exergy approach is therefore applied to overcome these shortcomings (Ayres et al, 2003).


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