- Ms Word Format
- 76 Pages
- ₦3000
- 1-5 Chapters
Performance Evaluation In Virtual Organizations Using Data Mining & Opinion Mining
Performance evaluation in virtual organizations is one of the most important issues that have been considered due to the transition from industrial age to knowledge era. System will evaluate the performance of those employees who are working for the company from different branches located in different locations or working from home.
Virtual Organization is an arrangement where people work for the company by sitting at home or may work from different branches of the company. Virtual organization is a trend that is becoming more common in information technology and other industries for services that have usually been regarded as intrinsic to managing a business. It is necessary to evaluate the performance of the employees who work for the company from different locations in order to increase the productivity and profitability of the company.
It is possible to evaluate the performance of the employees who work in organization by monitoring their loyalty and role related behaviors. But evaluating the performance of the employees in various places is difficult. Wrong perception of performance will be more harmful for the employees in the virtual organization.
To evaluate the performance of the employees who are in virtual organization our system uses phenomenological domain Driven Data Mining (D3M) approach utilizing 360 Degree data mining for objective measurement and opinion mining for subjective measurement. There will be a system which will monitor the messages passed between the employees and will evaluate the performance of the employees based on the keywords used in the messages.
Keywords are stored in database. System will mine the keywords in database and will classify the messages based on the parameters such as data, domain or social. If the messages contain too many questions than those employees will be ranked as low performer. If the messages contain many domain or data related keywords than those employees will be rated with high performance ranking.
If the messages contain lots of social related keywords which are not related to the work than those employees will be ranked with low rating. This system will be online. So, system will monitor the work of the employees through online. This D3M approach gives a valuable insight into the performance of employees in virtual organization and can give a useful help to practitioners to evaluate the performance of employees in virtual organizations.