Financial Status Analysis Using Credit Score Rating

  • Ms Word Format
  • 76 Pages
  • ₦3000
  • 1-5 Chapters
Banks and credit card companies use credit scores of the consumers. This banks and Credit Card Score Company lend money to the consumers based on the credit score of the consumer. Consumer can have poor, fair, good or excellent credit scores. Based on these credit score banker and credit company provide money to the consumer. We here proposed a web based application that keeps track of people’s credit scores.

This system can be used by the consumers to know their credit score. User must register himself by adding the personal details and credit card and credit details. System will provide user with credentials to access the system. User can access his personal details as well as his credit details.

Here we applied a unique algorithm to calculate the credit score of the consumers. System will calculate the credit score based on following parameters such as number of credit card, year of first credit car, number of loans, expense, income etc. Using these parameters system will calculate the credit of each consumer and will display the credit score value. System will also display whether the consumer credit score is poor, fair, good or excellent. This system is helpful for the consumer to know about their credit score. This system is fully functional and user friendly project.

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