The Impact Of Commercial Bank Lending On The Economic Developent Of Nigeria

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The main purpose of this research work is to reveal, disclose and also to give a deep analysis of commercial bank lending and economic development in Nigeria. The nature of the economy and economic development of Nigeria is not encouraging because of the conceptual neglect of the ethnic group and norms and also adaptability in the formulation lending policies by the appropriate authorities and financial banks.

The agricultural section of the productive sector of the economy has witnessed a remarkable decrease in output since after the civil war.

Industrialization was under mined where as the commercial sector has always received the blessing of the commercial banks during some period. It is necessary to have enough performance appraisal of commercial banks now, that our economy is in shameless since they (commercial banks) are regarded as the strongest sector of the role the should play to help our economic development.

In a nutshell is the focus of this particular project work (i.e) the impact of commercial bank lending on the economic development of Nigeria.



1.1              Statement of problem and purpose of the study

1.2              Rationale of the study

1.3              Significance of the study

1.4              Background of the study

1.5              Definition of terms


2.1              Literature review

2.2              Nature of lending by commercial banks

2.3              Cannons of good lending

2.4              Securities acceptable for bank lending

2.5              Method of repayment and implication


3.1              Hypothesis

3.2              Method of data collection and analysis

3.3              Sources of data and location limitation of the study

3.4              Limitation of the study


4.1              Data presentation

4.2              Data analysis

4.3              Discussion for result


Summary, conclusion and recommendation

5.1              Summary

5.2              Conclusion

5.3              Recommendation





Lending is the action of lending money by bank it is also to allow somebody to use something temporarily on the understanding that it will be retuned or major way of investing balk funds. While impact is strong impetration or effect on somebody.

This research work is aimed at to find the effect of commercial bank lending on economic development of Nigeria.

  • Over lending may lead to misappropriation of fund and consequently difficulty in repayment
  • Few Nigeria are interest in utilizing commercial bank credit facilities and consequently, poor banking habit among the populace
  • Misuse and mis-management of facilities so, the lending should ascertain whether the requisition is in the preferred or less preferred sectors of the economy. The bank has to ensure that the lending is a profitable one before embarking on it

Purpose of the study

The purpose of this research work is to analyze, empirically, the impact of commercial bank lending on the economic development of Nigeria and in light of the funding, offer suggestion on how the bank lending problem could be solved.


1.2              RATIONALE OF THE STUDY

This study if successful conducted and the recommendation can change the country we reduce lending, this can systematically attract the much needed condition to reduce poverty as regards lending in banking sector in Nigeria.


The significance of the study is to achieve a greater success in contributing the little researcher can. There is growing recognition that the banking industry especially the commercial bank must play a greater role in economic development of this country.  Commercial Bank Lending

Generally, every economic including those of the developed countries of the world need consent surveillance which can only be attained by studying the component of such economy. Any sector overlooked will on a long term view constitute a drop of ink that colour an ocean of water.  Commercial Bank Lending

In the light of the above, this study will go a long way in bringing to light the problem and prospect of Nigeria economy as an exponent of commercial bank lending; where as the problem will on being identified become half way solved and the prospect one being recognized will be encouraged to be improved on.  Commercial Bank Lending

Many respondent were reluctant at giving information needed since this relates to finance, people adopt continuous approaches while giving or answering question to that affect. Similarly, the researcher being students were limited to collecting data through consultation to the library, journals, magazines, newspapers and enquires from nearby bank operating within.  Commercial Bank Lending

Therefore, the researchers were completed to base their assessment and analysis on material information in relation to the needs of the researcher in achieving their objectives.

1.4              BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY

This study is expected to improve Nigeria economy and national development. Lending has steadily increase in Nigeria in many years ago.

According to Dr. J. Orjih (1996) Element of banking, the saving mobilized by bank are invested in various way. One of the major ways of investing bank fund is by lending. The money which the bank collects from their customer are held by beak as debtors and the money is repayable on demand. As a result of the debtors status of the banks, they exercise prudence in handling the fund of depositors. They observe some principle are referred as cannon of bank lending which are basic factors which a banker should put into consideration before granting loan and overdraft to customers. They includes

Integrity and reliability of the customer

The customer to whom loan should be granted must be one who is very reliable and has to be of unquestionable integrity. The lending bank has to request for information about the customer to guide him in making decision on the lending proposal.

Purpose of the loan

The bank should ascertain the purpose of the loan this is important because the bank has to follow some specific internal and external operational policy guidelines while lending.


This factor is considered last after the customer has passed other test. Security is what the bank will fall back to if all other consideration fail to work according to expectation and repayment becomes doubtful.


Theses are some of definition of terms used in this research work. They include:

Commercial bank

These are mainly large retail banks that engage mainly in borrowing (including deposit acceptance and lending activities).


Lending is the way of investing bank funds


This is to extend a debt over a long period at a fixed rate of interest

Economic development

This is a process whereby a country real capital income increases over a substantial period of item due to increase in various productivity of various sector so economy.


This is to manage something badly or wrongly. For example: mismanagement of natural resource / the economy


This is a situation of bringing profit or advantage or to make a profitable investment.

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