The Role Of Manpower Utilization In The Industrial Development

Manpower Utilization
Manpower Utilization
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This essay intends to examine the manpower utilization in the industrial development in Edo state with Bendel Brewery Nigeria limited as a case study. Chapter one this study contains the introduction and background information about Bendel Brewery. Chapter two is the review of literature. Chapter three contains methodology, while chapter four is data presentation and analysis. Finally in chapter five, the researcher includes the summary of study, conclusion, suggestion, and recommendation.



1.1       Historical Background

1.2       Statement of the study

1.3       Objectives

1.4       Scope and limitation of the study

1.5       Hypothesis

1.6       Definition of Terms


Literature Review

2.1              Conceptual framework

2.2              Identification of training development need

2.3              Utilization of developed manpower


3.1              Research design

3.2              Research Instrument

3.3              Method of data collection

3.4              Method of data analysis


Data Presentation and Analysis


5.1       Conclusion

5.2       Policy Recommendations

5.3       Area of Further Research






The idea of manpower planning and development on a global scale stated during the Second World War. This was a result of the shortage of labour in the industries where much of them were asked to go to war.

The need for manpower was great that U.S government set up a national, agency called war manpower resources to control and allocate human resources, food metal petroleum and other critical resources. The effective functioning of the strategies could be used during the peace time to solve labour force problems, before Nigeria got her independence there write at great length in detail about almost all the key areas in both public and private sectors of the economy.

On the gaining independence it meant that all these expansion programmes. In short there was a death of the required personnel for a complete and sound economic take off. However as time went on most of the expatriate personnel were replaced in both southern and the northern part of the country. Nigeria recognized the manpower planning and role it could play in the economic development gave it prominence in her development.

Plans it was against this background that the federal government set the ash by commission in April 1959 to conduct and investigation into Nigeria needs in the field of post school certificate and higher education over the next twenty years.

The findings were made known to the government in 1960 and they reconnected among others they establishment of interregional manpower board in Nigeria and this was represented.


Bendel brewery limited as it is now called formed into united in January 1971 with the trade namely of Bauwi Beer Brewery of western Germany.

After an injuring into the standard and account of the company the state government agreed to change it name to Midwest brewery limited 1974.

It was commissioned on the 25th of October 1974 by his Excellency general Eyadema, the president of the republic of Togo in the present of important personalities from all work of life among whom was General Yakubu Gowon the head of state and then military governor of Bendel state Grigadail Samuel Osaigbovo Ogbemudia

The martial cost of the establishment of Bendel brewery industry was million and was expected to provide employment opportunities to initial workers about 250. The brewery is located on a piece of land of about 2,500 areas approved by the Bendel development and planning authority.

The reason for the choice of this area was due to presence of good drainage facilities reality available, power from bored holes suitable for bear industry and because of the fact that the area was discovered to be a link with the east and parts of the north which means there will be reality mouth which means will be transport facilities as well.


The purpose of the research work is to note while carrying out the study. I encountered some problems. The major problem is the lack of power of means of certain parent information required for the effective execution of the research work this has made is difficult for me to draw definite conclusion such information includes the level of productivity of the train before and after they were sent for training. Information relating to the budget outlay for development programme was not release this would have enable me know the emphasized land on development programmes with respect to sum of money land down for it.


The project is generally arrange the following objects

i.              Identification the nature of manpower in the brewery industry.

ii.            Finding out how much manpower is developed and utilized.

iii.           Determine the degree of success of such development procedures.

iv.           Appraising the areas of failures weakness of much measure.

v.            Determining the areas of developing the manpower in relation to its contribute towards the effective bad efficient attainment of organization goals.

vi.           Assessing the effects of such manpower development policy on the industry as a whole.

1.4         HYPOTHESIS

For the purpose of this project, the following hypothesis have been designed.

1.    The financial indiscipline of the government is responsible for manpower utilization.

2.    The financial indiscipline of the government is not responsible for manpower utilization

3.    Manpower utilization can be caused when demand exceeds supply of goods and services.

4.    Manpower utilization cannot be caused when demand exceeds supply of goods and services.

5.    Manpower utilization has an adverse affect on the economy.

6.    Manpower utilization has no adverse affects on the economy.

7.    Manpower utilization complicates the activities of policy makers.

8.    Manpower utilization cannot complicate the activities of the policy makers.


There are certain terms used in the course of this research investigation that required definition. Some of these terms are interchange. But feel it is important to define them in order to outline their areas of differences examples of such term is:-

MANPOWER PLANNING: – this ensured the optimum of the human resources currently employed and provides for the future manpower need of the organization in term of skill number of ages.

MANPOWER UTILIZATION:- this is a very important aspects of any nation manpower resource are utilized full utilization of manpower resources contribute not only to increase totally productivity of the economy but also a more equitable income distribution profit and greater political stability.

MANPOWER: – he is one who organized men money and material in order to achieve the primary and secondary objectives of this organization.

DEVELOPMENT; – is a systematic process of training and growth by which individual gain skills and knowledge to improved on his diversity in the work organization effectively.

BEER INDUSTRY: – this is the collection of firm in the organization of trade or manufacture. Contrasted with distribution and commerce, engaging in the Brewery of alcohol by socking or boiling grains and or leaves.

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