Tax Reforms And Revenue Generation In Nigeria: A Longitudinal Analysis

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The tax system in Nigeria is made up of the tax policy, the tax laws and the tax administration. All of these are expected to work together in order to achieve the economic goal of the nation. According to the Presidential Committee on National tax policy (2008), the central objective of the Nigerian tax system is to contribute to the well being of all Nigerians directly through improved policy formulation and indirectly though appropriate utilization of tax revenue generated for the benefit of the people. In generating revenue to achieve this goal, the tax system is expected to minimize distortion in the economy. Other expectations of the Nigerian tax system according to the Presidential Committee on National tax policy (2008) include;

  • Encourage economic growth and development.
  • Generate stable revenue or resources needed by government to accomplish loadable projects and or investment for the benefit of the people
  • Provide economic stabilization.
  • To pursue fairness and distributive equity
  • Correction of market failure and imperfection.

In an attempt to fulfill the above expectation, the national tax policy is expected to be in compliance with the principle of taxation, the lubricant to effective tax system. The Nigerian tax system has been flawed by what is termed multiplicity of tax and collecting entities at the three tiers of government levels – Federal, State and Local government (Ahunwan, 2009). Tax   Reforms

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