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There are two good things in life: freedom of thought and freedom of
action[1] .
In the whole world man is the only being that is condemned by its nature to be
free as well as to be religious. So by nature man is endowed with the power of
the will just as he is equally endowed with religious tendency.

Freewill in the simplest term means the freedom to make choice.
Moreover, man in his own very nature cannot extricate himself from the bondage
of making choice. In the same vein man is equally held bound by religious tie,
so man cannot but be religious. For man to choose otherwise, is already a
choice of its own and a religion of its own. That is why I maintain that man is
condemned to be free and equally religious. No wonder Jean Paul Sartre asserts.

I am
condemned to be free. This means no limit to my freedom can be found except
freedom itself, or if you prefer, that we are not free to cease being free. 2

It seems unthinkable to imagine a world without
freewill, that type of world should be devoid of punishment and reward. This is
because in such a deterministic world, what ought to be will come to be, at the
time it was destined to be, and through the agent it was destined to come

However this freedom man enjoys is not unconnected
to the very fact that man is the only being endowed with a conscious thinking
faculty. Ekwutosi has this to say: “that human act is the result of a
complex process in which the decisive point is the will after a deliberation of
the intellect…….. Specifically human action possesses the following
constitutive qualities knowledge, voluntary/freedom. 3

This question of freewill is ontological to
man. To talk of man without freewill, is to create a different kind of being
which cannot occupy the “status quo” of man. So it is a contradictio interminis
to talk of man without freewill. No wonder the issue of freedom was given a
prime position in the constitution of United States of America. In the first
ten amendments known together as the bill of rights, it clearly stipulates such
basic rights as the freedom of speech, of religion and of press. Deleuze said that:
The doom of Europe is predicted because with the death of God and religion from
their life and culture, a period of instability, aimlessness, emptiness and
darkness sets in4.This goes to underscore
the importance and inevitable role of religion in human life. No wonder
Omoregbe asserts that: 

religion is such a sticking
and interesting phenomena to human life that it cannot be ignored even by sceptics,
agnostics or the atheists. There is no phenomenon which moulds and controls
man’s life as much as religion does. Men have given up not only their life but
even their possessions for their religious beliefs- — — thus religion has
such a powerful grip on man that it cannot be ignored in human society5

Here we are not going to give a detailed
account of freewill and religion, but will do so in subsequent chapters. So let
us have an insight into William James view.  

William James was a New York born pragmatic
philosopher. He started from physiology to psychology and finally to
philosophy. However, just like other philosophers did not philosophize in
isolation; his contemporaries include: Charles Sanders Pierce and John Dewey.
They are known as classical pragmatists. Moreover, we may not be able to
understand William James unless we are at home with his pragmatic theory, which
serves as a gate way to all other of his philosophy.

This word pragmatism
has a rich evolution; Pierce derived the word from Kant’s usage of German word
“pragmatisch”. He then applied it to an empirical condition which was founded
by three American philosophers Charles Sanders Pierce, William James and John
Dewey. Three of them fought to save philosophy from metaphysical idealism, and
equally save religious and moral ideals from empiricist, positivist scepticism.
However, the three classical pragmatists had very different philosophical
concerns, though they still share one foundation, and that is pragmatism. This
their pragmatic theory manifested in every of their philosophical endeavour,
that is why James who was more interested in religion said  that a belief in God is at least practically
verified if it provides comfort to the believer, the satisfactory  consequence of holding the belief as well as
of the proposition believed are to constitute verification6

Pragmatism concerns itself with purposeful action
and the interplay of theory and practice. It stresses on what James called cash
of beliefs. In all, pragmatism can be defined as: a philosophy
that attempts to apply the methods of science to philosophy, its central idea
is that the meaning and truth of an idea are determined by the idea’s effect in
practice and conduct.7

Having gathered some indebt knowledge to what I
am going to examine, let me then stipulate the pattern the long essay will
take. This work is composed of four major chapters. The chapter one includes
the following; Introduction, statement of problem, purpose of studies, scope of
study and methodology. Chapter two will be applied in exposing the nature and
notion of religion and freewill, their origin, their characteristic features
and their functions. The third chapter will be a critical analysis of the
religious experience, Mystical experience as a base for belief about God,
problem of religious experience, William James pragmatic religious experience,
and William James pragmatic verdict. Having gone thus far, the chapter four
will be a critical evaluation and conclusion.    



I have come to find out through history that
almost all the wars and rancor that ravage the world have either economic or
religious motive. Casting a look back to the Roman Empire, we will observe that
most of the wars they fought had a religious motive. The last straw that broke
the Camel’s back was;

The fall of Roman Empire in
476 ushered in a period of intellectual darkness. The barbarians who destroyed
the political might of Rome also shattered the institutions of culture in
Western Europe. Learning came almost to a halt.8

The Romans’ and the Barbarians were of
different antagonistic religious background. So In the medieval period the
Barbarians ravaged Rome and made away with almost the whole body of ancient
literature. The Barbarians signifies the Muslim world while Europe signifies
the Christian world. Even the September, 11th 2001 suicide bombing that
destroyed the world Trade Centre has evidences of religious bigotry. Thus Bush
in his speech after the attack said that the enemy tries to hide behind a peaceful

Narrowing it down to Nigerian experience,
Nigeria has Muslim and Christian religions. The country has experienced series
of rancours, some times it is described as tribal wars. But a critical observer
will understand that it has a lot of religious sentiments attached to it. This
is because churches will always be burnt at each squabble. This tussle is not
just among different religions but it is equally present among different
denominations of one religion. As a result of this many families are put
asunder. It seems absurd that it is in the name of this same religion, which is
meant to be an avenue of peace that human beings kill one another. One race
bracing up to wipe another from the face of earth.

Having said this, the problematic and perplexing
question remains: how free is one to practice his religious beliefs without
undue molestations from other religious sects? Is there any need for religious
tolerance? The onerous task of this research is to proffer a lasting panacea to
the problems raised above. In the course of this analysis we shall have
recourse to the thought of William James as a guide.


What beats my imagination is that man is a being that enjoys freedom of
choice, yet this same man will like to coerce 
his fellow man to do something contrary to his own will . This
particular problem rears its head most in the religious circle. This problem
amounts to some of the religions regarding others as different warring camp, so
they are opponents and not brothers thus they relate to them as such. In this
long essay there is equally a complete x-ray on that which motivates people to
glory in turning religion which suppose to be an avenue of family, nation and
even world peace to a channel of war and turmoil. However I am not trying to
advocate that people should adopt a private and diverse believing attitude,
within and in the same religious matter and of the same religious sect. Rather
I am trying to justify the right and freedom of different religious sects to
adopt a private believing attitude in their religious matters. Not withstanding
that our merely logical intellect may not have been coerced.

At the end, I hope I will be able to stipulate
the code that will help people of different religions to understand each other
better. Thereby eliminating all the unnecessary antagonism operating among
people of different religions. In order for them to see each other as children
of the same father heading towards a particular destiny. Though William James
theory on freewill and religion will serve as a guide as I make this analysis.







There is no doubt that the field of religion and freewill is a very vast
one. However I am concerned with the exposition of the contribution of William
James on the issue of religion and freewill. But I will borrow relevant ideas
from philosophers whose works are within the confines of religion and freewill.
After which I will make my analysis by a way of evaluation and conclusion.


The approach I am employing in this long essay is that of critical
exposition, and evaluation. Moreover, the deep attitude of thinking and
rational scrutiny employed in carrying out this task, will make itself evident
in the assessment of religion and freewill. Equally the intellectual exercise
will be proved by how far, I am able to reconcile the two concepts.
Consequently offering practical solutions that will help get rid of religious rancour.

[1] T. Schick. Jr.  Doing
Philosophy an Introduction through Thought Experiment
, {New York McGraw
-Hill Companies Inc.1999} p. 133.
3 C Ekwutosi,  lecture note on Human conduct , Pope John Paul major seminary Awka ,2004,  P.i .
4 G. Deleuze , Nietzsche And
Philosophy, Hugh Tomlinsom
{London: The Athlone Press,1983} P. 156
5 J. Omoregbe, A Philosophical look at Religion,( Lagos: Joja  Edu. Research and pub. Ltd, Ikeja  Nig, 2003),  P. xiii
6Encyclopedia Americana, Vol. 22 
page 70 international edition p 60” 

7 “World book encyclopedia, world
book Inc, (Chicago  233 North Michigan),  p 60”
8 E, Stumpf, philosophy:
History and Problem
,  {U. S. A
McGraw-Hill International  1994},  p. 151
9 confer, www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2001/11/20011108-13.html

This material content is developed to serve as a GUIDE for students to conduct academic research

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